Singapore to Bid Farewell to 3G Service in 2024: What it Means for Industry Users

Jul 27, 2023 | Industry News


In the ever-evolving landscape of telecommunications, Singapore is once again making a significant stride towards technological advancement. According to the latest news, Singapore’s leading telecom providers have announced their decision to halt 3G services starting from 1st July 2024. This decision comes in response to the declining number of 3G users, as only 1% of the mobile population currently relies on this network. While this move signifies a leap forward for the nation’s digital infrastructure, it also raises concerns for industry users who have been utilizing 3G modems for SMS alert notifications. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the impact of this development on industry users and explore how they can prepare for this imminent change.

The Demise of 3G:

The introduction of 3G technology was revolutionary, transforming the way people accessed data and services on their mobile devices. However, as newer and faster technologies like 4G and 5G took center stage, the relevance of 3G gradually diminished. The dwindling number of users relying on 3G services in Singapore has now prompted telecom providers to phase it out completely, paving the way for more advanced networks.

Impact on Industry Users:

For years, industries across Singapore have depended on 3G modems to power SMS alert notifications for alarms, notifications, and critical communications. These modems have been integrated into various sectors, including security, logistics, healthcare, and utilities, among others. As 3G services become obsolete, industry users who still rely on these modems for essential communication purposes may face significant challenges.

  1. Service Disruption: With the cessation of 3G services, industry users relying on 3G modems will experience service disruptions. Failure to migrate to an alternative network in time could lead to critical communication breakdowns, potentially impacting safety, operational efficiency, and customer service.
  2. Hardware Obsolescence: Many existing 3G modems may not be compatible with newer networks, which would render them obsolete. This necessitates investments in upgrading or replacing existing hardware to ensure seamless communication through updated technologies.
  3. Transition Costs: The transition from 3G to alternative networks might entail costs for businesses. Whether it’s upgrading hardware or reconfiguring existing systems, organizations will need to allocate resources to navigate this shift smoothly.

Preparing for the Change:

To mitigate the impact of Singapore’s 3G service discontinuation, industry users must proactively prepare for the transition. Here are some steps businesses can take:

  1. Identifying Alternatives: Industry users should research and identify suitable alternatives to 3G modems for their specific use cases. This could involve adopting 4G or 5G technology or exploring other communication channels like Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  2. Engaging with Service Providers: Companies should reach out to their current service providers to understand their plans for transitioning from 3G to newer networks. Exploring available offers and assistance during this process could be beneficial.
  3. Upgrading Hardware: If necessary, invest in compatible hardware that supports the preferred alternative network. Upgrading ahead of the service discontinuation date will ensure a smooth transition.
  4. Testing and Integration: Before fully adopting the new technology, businesses should conduct thorough testing and integration of the chosen solutions. This will help identify and address potential issues before they impact operations.
  5. Communicating with Stakeholders: Companies must inform stakeholders, employees, and customers about the upcoming changes and how it might affect their interactions. Clear communication will reduce misunderstandings and promote acceptance of the transition.


Singapore’s decision to discontinue 3G services represents a pivotal step in the country’s telecommunications landscape. While this move promises enhanced connectivity and technological progress, it also presents challenges for industry users reliant on 3G modems for SMS alert notifications. The key to a seamless transition lies in proactive preparation, embracing newer technologies, and staying informed about the latest developments in the telecom industry. By taking these measures, businesses can navigate the shift with minimal disruption and continue to thrive in Singapore’s rapidly evolving digital ecosystem.

Following are 2 products which Grep Tech is supplying for users looking for 4G modem or 4G SMS gateway.


Industry Modem (4G) USB, RS232

4G SMS Gateway – GT 1688 (4G)